Monday, October 4, 2010

Illegal Immigration Constroversy

Illegal immigration has been an issue many Americans have debated over the last century. Many thinks immigrants are a being a burden on the economy by taking over jobs.Now that the U.S. economy is in a time of recession, the motivation of implementing a ban on illegal immigrants are higher than ever. Gov. Dave Heineman, a Republican, declared his adamant opposition to illegal immigration by announcing that one of his first acts of his second term would would be to press for a law that would make it easier for local police officials to arrest illegal immigrants, a law that would be closely modeled on the law Arizona adopted which is now is now being challenged by the Obama administration in court. Although I am not an illegal citizen, I do have friends who crossed the boarder illegally. This New York Times article is worth reading because it shows the benefits and consequences of banning illegal immigration and not banning it.

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